At 10 years old, who did you want to be?

I wanted to be braave: to swim the English Channel, to write a book, to build a company that would change the world.

Then I grew breasts. I couldn’t swim as fast. I couldn’t dress the same. And those breasts started to define what I could do before I even entered the room. Thanks to my breasts, I didn’t fit in where I wanted to anymore.

When I got my first bra, I refused to wear it. My mom said I had to. She said it made my breasts round.

But that wasn’t my body shape!.

That was society’s.

No wonder we burned our bras. Bra-free, I feel empowered. Until, of course, a man joked, "For someone who wants to make bras, you sure don’t wear them often." And that’s when I knew I could do it. Because I know how good it should feel.

Of course, going braless is a choice that we can’t all afford. Each body has unique needs. And would you walk into a meeting barefoot? No. You need comfortable shoes that empower you to run your life the way you want. The same goes for bras.

So for all those times when your support matters, we created Braave.

A support made from your body, to support your moves as you reshape this world (the same way it’s tried to reshape us).

Because Braave is a new wave of bras, founded just after hearing these words…

There is always light,

if only we're brave enough to see it,

If only we're brave enough to be it

— A. Gorman